Girl Reads off List of Comebacks She Thought of Five Minutes after Being Sent to Her Room

Abby Utley
2 min readApr 8, 2024

Nine year old Julie — who got sent to her room for tossing her Tranformer into the CrockPot — marched to the top of the staircase and announced her royal presence. Julie watched as her parents hobbled in, bringing in her little brother with them

“Joey, get away from them!” She said to the infant on her mother’s hip, “They are EVIL!!!

“Okay, I am going to read something I wrote when I was sitting in Time-Out:

What the heck you punks!!

  1. You guys are meaner than the Grinch
  2. You guys are meaner than mommy when she hasn’t seen her friend Mark for a long time
  3. Eat my fairy dust!
  4. I hope my old diapers come back to haunt you!
  5. I know people. Chuck E. Cheese would kill for me at the drop of a hat. He owes me…
  6. I’m going to tell grandma her son is a rat-bassturd
  7. Mommy, you look like a witch when you get upset with me!
  8. I hope every bowl of Mac and cheese you make turns into poop!!
  9. Mommy, your friend Mark wouldn’t want to have sleepovers with you if he knew you sent me to Time-Out
  10. You guys are going to have big con-suh-kwenses after being so mean to me
  11. You think I need to practice my piano more to be better? I think you need to practice cooking because your food is so bad!
  12. Mark always tells me daddy “doesn’t make enough dough,” and he’s right!! We don’t make pizza enough and that is what our family is missing!!
  13. I pooted on your pillows

I am going to run away tomorrow. And I’m not going to make my bed. Mommy please tell your special friend Mark I am going to miss him and the ice cream he buys for me

P.S. can you make me some chocolate milk”

Julie knew she had done good. She got her revenge on mommy and daddy. After reading her piece, Julie heard them fighting and crying all night and she knew it was about how sorry they felt for sending her to her room.



Abby Utley

My name is Abby, and I'm a pre-med student. When I'm not studying, I'm finding ways to ease mind and body tension. Writing satire helps me do this.